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Insight & Answers

How Colleges Make Admission Decisions

Muir and Lau define the college admission process and morph mystery into mastery, so families can take charge of this important process and quell anxiety.

Finding the Right Fit

A successful college search will result in a positive fit between student and institution, a fit that will maximize personal growth and productivity.

Personal introspection coupled with aggressive investigation will, ultimately, lead to informed decisions based on fact rather than superficial perception. Muir and Lau personalize this process for their students.

The Four-Year Plan:  Staying on Track

Muir and Lau guide students in developing a strategic plan that will maximize personal growth, while positioning teens to be competitive in the arena of highly selective college admission.

Summer Experiences

Summer offers an opportunity for intellectual growth, artistic achievement, personal service and adventure. Muir and Lau are catalysts for helping students evolve creative summer experiences and then use them as a distinguisher in the college admission process.

Contacting Colleges

Muir and Lau explore with their students how to build effective relationships with college representatives, how to handle college interviews, how to have a meaningful college campus visit, and how to do deep research to distinguish the differences among college programs.

Completing the Application

Muir and Lau guide their students in composing the essay, navigating the required lists, and filing the requisite documents that are part of telling a student’s story.  Muir and Lau help families and students break this process into workable units, offsetting anxiety, minimizing stress, and preserving family relationships along the way!

Preparing Financially

Muir and Lau translate this confusing, often overwhelming, part of the college application experience, defining the terminology, unpacking the process, and looking at the types of assistance available to prospective college candidates.

Under Muir and Lau guidance, parents take charge of their financial planning and learn to ask the probing questions that get results and open doors for their teens.

Understanding the Terms

Translating the lingo, Muir and Lau arm parents and students with the vernacular they will need to manage the college application process with confidence and clarity, positioning them to ask the probing questions and execute the deep research that will lead to positive outcome in their college search.

Navigating the Waitlist

Should I stay on the waitlist? How can I improve my chances? What should I do while I wait? Muir and Lau help their clients move to resolution. Their advice is timely, appropriate and always professional.

Keeping Current and Informed

Muir and Lau follow college admission trends and stay on top of college admission data and protocol by helping with National College Fairs, meeting with College Reps, serving on National Committees,  heading out on first-hand College Campus Expeditions, participating in National and Regional Conferences.

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